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Mahasamadhi — Krishna Bhajans LIVE aus Penukonda

Dies ist die erste einer Reihe von LIVE CDs, die von Shiva Sai Mandir Music und Sri Kaleshwar produziert werden. Die Krishna Bhajans dieser CD wurden in Penukonda auf der Veranda des Dwarkamai und im Jesus Garten während der Zeremonien anlässlich Sri Kaleshwars Mahasamadhi aufgenommen. Sie wurden zu verschiedenen Zeiten tags und nachts gesungen. Du wirst feststellen, dass jeder Bhajan einzigartig ist und den Duft und die besondere Qualität dieser kostbaren Tage mit unserem Meister vermitteln. Es war eine tief bewegende und kraftvolle Zeit, Bhajans für Sri Kaleshwar zu singen. Wir hoffen, dass es mit der CD gelingt, die besondere Energie mit der Welt zu teilen, die während Swami’s Mahasamadhi kreiert wurde. Mögest Du mit tiefer Stille erfüllt sein, wenn Du diese Krishna Bhajans hörst. Mögest Du Einheit und Glückseligkeit mit Allem erfahren.

In Dankbarkeit und Liebe widmen wir diese LIVE CD unserem geliebten Lehrer und Freund, Swamiji, Guruji, Sri Kaleshwar, Shirdi Sai Baba, Jesus und dem Guru Parampara. Jai Guru Datta!

Du kannst 3 Songs der CD kostenlos herunterladen.


Inhalt der CD

  1. Guru Mantra
  2. Govinda Jaya Jaya
  3. Atma Rama
  4. Jai Jai Gopala
  5. Ananda Sagara
  6. Govinda Krishna Jai
  7. Sri Krishna
  8. Hey Ram Bhagavan
  9. Murali Krishna
  10. Swagatam Krishna
  11. Om Shanti

The Five Elements Process™

<a href=store_item_fiveelements>Details</a>

The Five Elements Process™ opens an individual’s spiritual channels to connect directly with the cosmic energy. It brings the highest peace, opens the heart, increases willpower and mental clarity, and creates positive protection circles around you. Your mind naturally becomes very peaceful and relaxed, enabling you to meditate easily. Wisdom grows spontaneously and your life automatically becomes more successful.

Altar Photos of Shirdi Sai Baba and Sri Kaleshwar

If you would like a photo for your altar, you can download one of the following photos (by clicking on the photo) and either print it yourself or take it to your local printer.

<%= article_photo_inline(‘altar_baba_thumb.jpg’, :float => ‘right’, :height => 100, :url => ‘/site_assets/content/kal/library/altar_baba_statue.jpg’) ><= article_photo_inline(‘altar_baba_bw_thumb.jpg’, :float => ‘right’, :height => 100, :url => ‘/site_assets/content/kal/library/altar_baba_bw.jpg’) ><= article_photo_inline(‘altar_swami_thumb.jpg’, :float => ‘right’, :height => 100, :url => ‘/site_assets/content/kal/library/altar_swami.jpg’) %>

Recording of Shirdi Baba’s Arathi Sung in Penukonda

<a href=store_item_arathi>Details</a>

Four times a day, arathi is sung to Shirdi Baba in the Ashram Mandir. Sri Kaleshwar has explained that the song itself is in praise of Baba, in beautiful terms expressing his greatness. When a verse ends with “Om Jagadisha Hare”, it is an opportunity to ask Baba for your heart’s desire. This is the Indian tradition: praise God before asking whatever it is you want.

Swagatam Krishna — Bhajan from “Prayers from an Open Heart”

<%= article_photo(“bhajans_prayersopenheart_cover.jpg”) %>

Download this beautiful bhajan recorded by Shiva Sai Mandir Music.

You can check any ashram, any place, you won’t find these types of rhythms anywhere. This is soft, melodious and easy so that any person can catch on to it. They can get it. They will get it. If you are tuned to soft music, of course, your thoughts, your actions, your movements, your lifestyle, everything, will become soft.
— Sri Kaleshwar

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