Mahapanchabhutas Process™
An Ancient Knowledge System Taught by Sri Kaleshwar

Meditation on the Tungabanga river in Hampi
Meditation on the Tungabanga river in Hampi
Ancient temple built on the edge of the river in Hampi
Ancient temple built on the edge of the river in Hampi

The beginning course on the elements, the Five Elements Process™, purifies our body, charges our soul with the five elements and opens a connection to the cosmic energy. That’s Part A. Part B, the Mahapanchabhutas Process™ is also for purification, but at an even deeper level. It directly relates to your soul energy and your soul capacity. You learn to identify and handle the strong illusion channels around your soul and to wash them out. It is a big chapter on maya, illusion, karma, and negativity and how each of these are working on your soul and affecting your life.

The Mahapanchabhutas Process™ consists of two main sections. The first section focuses on ‘blocks’. Blocks are all the negative emotions, thoughts and actions creating negative vibrations in your soul. Until you can recognize your blocks, you are a victim of them. They are the darkness covering your soul’s light and the most difficult channels to master. You need to develop strong soul resistance and powerful protection circles to handle soul illusions. This section requires deep inner awareness, honesty, an open heart, courage and deep surrendering. The process addresses these blocks and the master comes as your ‘good enemy’—intentionally creating the circumstances for your blocks to surface—to help you experience and identify them. Just as in the beginning of the Five Elements Process™ it was necessary for you to heal yourself before you could heal others, so too, without washing your own blocks it is not possible for you to help others wash their karmas. It’s through the five elements that illusions and karmas are addressed.

The second section of the Mahapanchabhutas Process™ brings you to deeper, direct understanding of the subtle energy of each element. You move in the direction of commanding on the elements. For example, once you can command on the inner energy of the water element you can wash 80% of the illusions. You can do beautiful miracles like regenerate a soul that has left the body. Through this process you can help take care of the Creation in a beautiful way.

To really become a master, to become in one part a creator responsible for people’s karmas—purifying them, washing them, releasing them—and to be able to give divine experiences, you have to go through these inner five element’s channels. Gaining this energy makes you eligible for the next beautiful step: preparing for darshan with Mother Divine.

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